Posture Exercises

One of the most common causes of lower back pain is postural stress. This pain is brought on by sitting for a long time in a poor position, or prolonged bending in bad working positions, heavy lifting, standing and lying for a long time in a poor position. When pains of postural origin are first felt they are easily eliminated with posture exercises, and you should not have to seek assistance whenever postural pain arises.

Postural Causes

The poor sitting posture is by far the most common to cause low back pain. Once low back problems have developed, a poor sitting posture will worsen your back problems futher.

Poor standing postures and poor lying postures are also frequent causes of back pain. You may have noticed that your back pain appears only if you stand for long periods or only after you get into bed. Pain that behaves in this way, is a certain indication that you have fallen into a poor position and immediate steps must be taken to correct your posture with posture exercises.

When pains of postural origin are first felt they are easily eliminated merely by exercises to correct one's posture. As time passes, however, if uncorrected the habitual poor posture causes changes to the structure and shape of your joints, excessive wear occurs, and premature ageing of the joints is a consequence. So the effects of poor posture in the long term, can be just as severe and harmful as the effects of injury.

Stretching to gain a Healthy Posture

One of the purposes of lower back stretches is to help restore a healthy posture to the spine. Stretches involving gently back bending can help restore a healthy posture for your back.

Finally, you can obtain a proper posture and maintain a natural curve in your spine by preforming posture exercises as often as you can. When this becomes a habit you will always maintain a healthy posture.

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