Posture Exercises

One of the most common causes of lower back pain is postural stress. This pain is brought on by sitting for a long time in a poor position, or prolonged bending in bad working positions, heavy lifting, standing and lying for a long time in a poor position. When pains of postural origin are first felt they are easily eliminated with posture exercises, and you should not have to seek assistance whenever postural pain arises.

Postural Causes

The poor sitting posture is by far the most common to cause low back pain. Once low back problems have developed, a poor sitting posture will worsen your back problems futher.

Poor standing postures and poor lying postures are also frequent causes of back pain. You may have noticed that your back pain appears only if you stand for long periods or only after you get into bed. Pain that behaves in this way, is a certain indication that you have fallen into a poor position and immediate steps must be taken to correct your posture with posture exercises.

When pains of postural origin are first felt they are easily eliminated merely by exercises to correct one's posture. As time passes, however, if uncorrected the habitual poor posture causes changes to the structure and shape of your joints, excessive wear occurs, and premature ageing of the joints is a consequence. So the effects of poor posture in the long term, can be just as severe and harmful as the effects of injury.

Stretching to gain a Healthy Posture

One of the purposes of lower back stretches is to help restore a healthy posture to the spine. Stretches involving gently back bending can help restore a healthy posture for your back.

Finally, you can obtain a proper posture and maintain a natural curve in your spine by preforming posture exercises as often as you can. When this becomes a habit you will always maintain a healthy posture.

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Lower Back Strengthening Exercises

You would think that with all the running around you are doing already, the last thing you would need is lower back exercises. However exercising the back is not just about keeping physically fit, though of course this plays an important part in maintaining a healthy back, it is also about keeping your back healthy with lower back strengthening exercises. The lower part of your spine supports the upper part of your body, so it must be kept strong and healthy.

Back strengthening exercises in your lower back involve the leg and gluteal muscles, the abdominal, and the back muscles them selfs.

When leg muscles are strong there is less risk of back injuries. Walking, jogging, or cycling are great exercises to develop muscular strength in your legs. This is especially true during lifting or strenuous activities.

The gluteal muscles play an important function in the support of the spine for standing, walking and running.

Keeping the abdominal muscles strong is vital to the health of your spine. When exercises these muscles care must be taken, since abdominal exercises are often hard on the lower spine. Gentle leg lifts are popular for strengthening the abdomen and lower back.

Back strengthening exercises as a hole, can be done in the midst of your daily activities. If you have access to a pool, swimming is one best exercises for building up the overall health of your back. When your swimming your putting no weight on your spine which reduces the risk of strain or injury, and at the same time you're strengthening the muscles that support your back. By focusing more on kicking movements you build up the muscles in your hips, buttocks, and legs, which are nearly everyones weak spot.

It's important to note when you're doing any back strengthening exercises, always warm up with some stretching exercises first. Stretching helps loosen up the tight and tense muscles in your back, which can prevent injury prior to strengthening.

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Stretching For Low Back Pain Relief

Many of our back pain problems, can be solved with some simple lower back exercises that target the lower muscle regions. In order to achieve a healthy spine, we must build up and nurture the muscles in a way that will support and sustain proper posture and health.We can accomplish this with a back stretching exercise routine.

If the back is currently stiff, weak, painful or subject to any alignment, we can reverse this situation by stretching the muscles in our body. This will make a tremendous difference in the overall health of our spine and improve the quality of our life.

Why stretching is so important to our back

Stretching is one of the most powerful exercises we can perform to relieve pain from the muscles in our back. All sports players warm up with a series of stretches before their game, They do this because they know that a relaxed and flexible body is much more resistant to injury than a stiff body.

When the spine senses any type of problem the back muscles tend to go into painful spasms, this is a build in mechanism of the body to keep us from moving our spine. At this stage the muscles in our back are in a state of constant contraction and tension, this leaves the muscle tissue swollen and congested.

The blood vessels become choked and closed, which limits the blood flow to the muscle cells, this in turn deprives the cells of oxygen which can lead them to actually suffocate. This can cause more spasm and pain. Toxins then accumulate, which results in inflammation along with more swelling and congestion.

Stretching exercises helps relieve these painful spasms. When the muscles are stretched, it helps them breathe again, and return back to normal. Stretching opens up the muscle tissues, where blood and oxygen supply are improved and toxins are eliminated.

Even when pain exists, we can begin to stretch the muscles, Starting out gently and slowly, we can gradually increase the stretching as the back begins to loosen up and heal. If pain occurs at any time while stretching ease back until the pain goes away.

Points to bare in mind while performing any stretching routine:

  • Notice when your stretching and lengthening the muscle how it affects the pain.
  • If at any time the pain becomes worse, you need to back off the stretch to a point before the pain starts. Then hold the stretch in that position for as long as you are comfortable.
  • Try to stretch the muscle to the edge, and stop before the pain of overstretching develops. Ultimately we must stretch into the pain in order to relieve it, but in a workable and intelligent way.
The more we stretch the muscles in the low back the fewer back problems we will have, rather than those who don't stretch at all.

The most important thing we need to know when performing any lower back exercises, is that the muscles are the greatest source of our pain because they are directly connected to the nerves that transmit pain messages to the brain.

If you follow a good Stretching Programme there's nothing more natural or safer to heal back pain, when done properly.

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Lower Back Exercises - Stretching

Lower Back Exercises - Stretching

Many of our back pain problems, can be solved with some simple lower back exercises that target the lower muscle regions. In order to achieve a healthy spine, we must build up and nurture the muscles in a way that will support and sustain proper posture and health.We can accomplish this with a back stretching exercise routine.
If the back is currently stiff, weak, painful or subject to any alignment, we can reverse this situation by stretching the muscles in our body. This will make a tremendous difference in the overall health of our spine and improve the quality of our life.

Why stretching is so important to our back

Stretching is one of the most powerful exercises we can perform to relieve pain from the muscles in our back. All sports players warm up with a serious of stretches before their game, They do this because they know that a relaxed and flexible body is much more resistant to injury than a stiff body.

When the spine senses any type of problem the back muscles tend to go into painful spasms, this is a build in mechanism of the body to keep us from moving our spine. At this stage the muscles in our back are in a state of constant contraction and tension, this leaves the muscle tissue swollen and congested.

The blood vessels become choked and closed, which limits the blood flow to the muscle cells, this in turn deprives the cells of oxygen which can lead them to actually suffocate. This can cause more spasm and pain. Toxins then accumulate, which results in inflammation along with more swelling and congestion.

Stretching exercises helps relieve these painful spasms. When the muscles are stretched, it helps them breathe again, and return back to normal. Stretching opens up the muscle tissues, where blood and oxygen supply are improved and toxins are eliminated.

Even when pain exists, we can begin to stretch the muscles, Starting out gently and slowly, we can gradually increase the stretching as the back begins to loosen up and heal. If pain occurs at any time while stretching ease back untill the pain goes away.

Points to bare in mind while performing any stretching routine:

  • Notice when your stretching and lengthening the muscle affects the pain.
  • If at any time the pain becomes worse, you need to back off the stretch to a point before the pain starts. Then hold the stretch in that position for as long as you are comfortable.
  • Try to stretch the muscle to the edge, and stop before the pain of overstretching develops. Ultimately we must stretch into the pain in order to relieve it, but in a workable and intelligent way.
The more we stretch the muscles in the low back the fewer back problems we will have, rather than those who don't stretch at all.

The most important thing we need to know when performing any lower back exercises, is that the muscles are the greatest source of our pain because they are directly connected to the nerves that transmit pain messages to the brain.

If you follow a good there's nothing more natural or safer to heal back pain, when done properly.

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Healing Back Pain With- Lower Back Exercises

This site is dedicated to all back pain sufferers, who are willing to achieve a healthy spine through some simple Lower Back Exercises.

We are presently in the midst of a huge global epidemic of back pain. Despite the abundant literature and thousands of websites on back pain, this problem has now become the number one cause of disability in the United States for people in their mid forties and upwards.

Statistics show that there is upwards of one billion spent annually on back pain treatment, the majority of this is spent on surgery, and in a lot of cases the pain still persists.

As a former back pain sufferer, i am familiar with the deep emotional and mental anguish that afflicts the spirit when serious back pain strikes.

Healing our back pain is a slow process, but in the end the reward is a longer,healthier, more loving and creative life.

To tackle our back problems it is important we understand how our back functions. We need to learn why the muscles are the most important part of our back in maintaining a healthy spin.

To begin the healing process it is important to note that nearly all of our back problems begins with the muscles. Off all the other structures in the back, including the bones, discs, and ligaments, it's the muscles that determine the overall health of our backs.

Keeping the muscles strong, flexible, and properly balanced by performing some daily lower back exercises is the key to getting rid of back pain.

We may be told by our doctor that our back problem is a result of pinched nerve, spinal arthritis, bone spurs, degenerating disc disease, scoliosis, or some other condition, but we must learn to understand that this conditions started with problems in the muscles of our back.

By becoming aware of the critical role the muscles play in the overall health of our spine, we can heal our pain and improve the overall function of our backs.

Exercising To Create A Strong And Flexible Back

The majority of the pain in our backs is located in the muscle tissue. When these muscles are strained, overworked or damaged in any way, the pain is 10 to 20 times more severe than any any other muscle part in the body.

Reasons for this are:

  • The back muscles are designed to protect and defend the overall health of our spine, therefore are more prone to pain for this reason.
  • During times of day to day mental stress or anxiety, our muscles become tight, tense, and quite often very painful.
  • The majority of our back pain problems is located in the muscles.
  • Our back muscles are part of a built in warning system, they are programmed to sound an alarm when our spine is in trouble. This in turn causes our back muscles to go into spasm which can result in severe pain that can last for weeks, months or even years.
The lower muscles serve a very important role in stabilizing and supporting the spinal column. These muscles can become weak and stiff over time, this in turn can lead to painful spasms in the lower back.

There are two muscle groups that are not located in the back but have particular influence on the health of our lower spine. They are known as the abdominal and hamstring muscles.

The abdominal muscles: is the most important muscles for supporting the lower back. When these muscles become soft, flabby, or weak, they offer little or no support for the spine and this in turn leaves the spine at risk for injury. When these muscles are strengthened, back problems often disappear.

The hamstring muscles: are located in the back of the thigh, which connects to the bottom of the pelvic bone, which in turn connects to the base of the spine. When the hamstring muscles become tight, they are inclined to pull on the pelvic bone which in turn pulls on the spine. This in turn puts all the weight of the spine on the discs, which creates an unstable condition that causes extremely painful muscle spasms and in turn throws the entire spine out of alignment.

It is of critical importance that we perform daily lower back exercises such as stretching and muscle strengthening to ease and get rid of this back pain over time.

Stretching for a flexible spine

Stretching is a powerful technique to directly relieve muscle pain in the back. It develops a more flexible spine and creates the conditions for our backs to heal. This is probably the most important physical exercise we can perform to ensure our backs will be healthy for years to come.

Strengthening for a stronger back

Back strengthening activities should be treated with care as there is always the danger of subjecting your back to excessive forces which in turn can only lead to further damage. For this reason care must be taken to listen to our bodies at all times. The core muscles that need to be strengthened are located in the lower back, these involve the leg muscles, the buttocks, the abdominal and gluteal muscles, and the back muscles themselves. This is because the strongest and largest muscles which are most important for movement and mobility, are located in the lower half of our body.

It is of vital importance that you stretch the muscles in your back before performing any strengthening exercises or techniques.

When we stop moving certain parts of our back, muscles stiffen and weaken, joints freeze up, this can lead to severe back problems.
It all comes down to knowing what type of lower back exercises to perform and how much to move, when to rest, and for how long.

If you follow the techniques and information offered in a good Exercise Routine you will be able to heal your back pain and enjoy a stronger and more flexible spine than ever before.

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